Author: logancountylandtrust

Reorganization of Officers

Reorganization of Officers

The Logan County Land Trust (LCLT) met for its annual meeting on March 11, 2024. Each year at this meeting the slate of officers for the coming year are nominated and elected. This year there were two new board members elected to the slate of officers and two board members who remain as part of...

Students are experiencing many opportunities through the efforts of the Benjamin Logan Environmental Science Club

Students are experiencing many opportunities through the efforts of the Benjamin Logan Environmental Science Club

Club members keep a journal of their experiences and write down the highlights.  Some describe these events with words, others with sketches. Periodically they are asked to share their writing with the group.   Shown above is a session in Mr. Reames’s lab where the students learned about daphnia, a freshwater crustacean that plays a vital...

Special Projects

Special Projects

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Camp Myeerah Historic Cabin

Camp Myeerah Historic Cabin

Cras dapibus ullamcorper dictum. Vivamus nec erat placerat felis scelerisque porttitor in ac turpis. In nec imperdiet turpis. Suspendisse quis orci ut orci pulvinar eleifend. Nulla eu mattis ipsum. Integer eget sagittis nulla. Praesent consectetur lacus et maximus eleifend. Integer non lacus dui. Mauris tortor diam, laoreet quis commodo vitae, sodales vel augue.| Sed rutrum,...