Latest Past Events

Vibrant Places: Waterfowl at Grand Valley Ranch

Grand Valley Ranch 10198 Penniman Road, Orwell

Some say the American Robin is the harbinger of spring, but the swans, ducks, geese, and shorebirds might disagree. The Land Conservancy has partnered with Greater Cleveland Audubon to host...

Zoom into Nature: Camouflage and Mimicry

Join us virtually for the presentation Hiding in Plain Sight:  Amazing Camouflage, Mimicry & Evasion in Nature with Judy Semroc. This program will present and discuss examples of how animals and plants...

Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens and Beyond

Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens and Beyond continues next week with Session 3: Native Plant Connections. Join us virtually on March 14 as we dive into the colorful world of...