Alan and Renee Winner established their farm 37 years ago with just 10 cows and a stanchion parlor. This humble start has made way for a modern and innovative robot system that milks 200+ dairy cows at their home today.
The family is committed to preserving the area’s agricultural heritage and has dedicated over 1,300 acres as farmland forever through the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s agricultural easement programs and the Department of Natural Resources ACEP. They also have 65 acres of perpetual wetlands. In 2006 the Winners, through the guidance and sponsorship of the Logan County Land Trust entered their first application. In 2008 they donated an easement on 155 acres to the ODA’s office of Farmland Preservation through their Agricultural Easement Donation Program (AEDP) and later that year were fortunate enough to be awarded an offer to preserve another 636 acres through the state’s highly competitive Agricultural Easement Purchase Program. It was during these years that Renee joined the board of the Logan County Land Trust and started to help others with their applications.
Five years ago, the family transitioned many of these owned, and preserved acres to organic production. Currently they have almost 900 acres and 200+ plus milk cows that are certified organic.
Alan and Renee have ten children who all live and work in Logan County. Renee also serves as a 4-H advisor for Traditions 4-H Club and volunteers as a sacristan and cantor at Saint Mary of the Woods Catholic Church in Russells Point.